Project goal:To develop an automated system for managing safari tours
What was done:
Created a Google Sheet system to automatically compile all information on tours sold by agents.
Established a tour management workflow, with some steps handled manually and others automated.
Replicated this workflow in all agents' Booking Confirmation Systems (BCS) for their specific tours.
Set up mirrored data synchronization between the central SAP and agent systems, ensuring up-to-date and consistent data at all levels.
Introduced hourly and daily checks to ensure data accuracy across systems.
Enabled data flow between departments with automatic notifications to responsible parties and calendar updates at each stage.
Integrated SAP with Accounts Money In Out, automating notifications for agents when client payments are processed.
Provided a clear dashboard that enhanced transparency for agents and management in tracking tour preparation.
Reduced missed actions related to tour organization.
Significantly decreased the time needed for tour preparation by automating tasks such as contract generation, data checks, and department communication.
Minimized mistakes and missed tasks through instant alerts and reminders via messaging apps and email.