
Automated Safari Sales Calculator for Faster Client Proposals


Industry: Travel

Project goal: Accelerate the preparation of initial proposals for clients by building a Safari Sales Calculator system managed by a specialized team

What was done:

  • Developed a Google Sheet that automatically captures tour requests, allowing a dedicated team to mark the progress of proposal preparation.
  • Added a feature for updating proposals based on client feedback.
  • Created a notification system for both agents and the calculation team at each stage of preparation.
  • Designed reports to assess the calculation team’s performance and the number of requests processed on time, with daily progress notifications via Telegram.


  • The initial proposal preparation process was sped up by:
  • Automating request entry into the spreadsheet.
  • Setting up a dedicated calculation team.
  • Implementing a notification system for better coordination.
  • Introduced a performance monitoring process for the calculation team to track and improve efficiency.
  • Built an employee motivation system based on performance reports.

Reports categories include:

  • New Calculations
  • Change Request Log
  • Remaining Tasks for Calculation Team
  • Weekly Workload for Calculation Team (absolute)
  • Weekly Workload for Calculation Team (%)