
Simplifying Safari Cost Calculations with Automation


Industry: Travel

Project goal: To create an automated system for calculating tour costs

What was done:

  • Organized all tour information and pricing into one database, with the ability to track price history.
  • Developed a table for calculating total tour costs. It generates automatically for each safari after client confirmation, filling in all known information. Missing details are completed by the booking manager, and the data is automatically transferred to the next systems.
  • Created PDF reports for working with partners. These are generated through the document menu and saved in the client’s Google Drive folder.
  • Built a report that tracks unfinished calculations, identifying the sections that still need completion.


  • Fixed all errors and inconsistencies in the source information by centralizing it into a database.
  • Drastically cut down the time required to calculate tour costs and prepare supporting documents by automating the process and inserting current prices.
  • Achieved full readiness of all calculations within the necessary timeframes.
  • Simplified the finishing of incomplete calculations using the new report.
  • Gave company management instant updates on the status of calculations.